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Adding your Pull Request (PR) branch to the stage branch

  1. Add "on stage" label to your PR.
  2. GitHub Bot will attempt to merge your PR branch into the stage branch. Attempting
  3. If a conflict exist between your PR branch and the stage branch you must resolve conflicts by manually. You will need to pull down the stage branch to your development container and merge the PR branch manually (alternatively you will need to reset the stage branch). Conflict
    1. Run git checkout stage
    2. Run git merge my-pr-branch-name
    3. Resolve conflicts between your PR branch and the stage branch
    4. Run git push origin stage

Resetting the stage branch

From time to time the stage branch will need to be reset to main. This can happen for any number of reasons including but not limited to:

  • Changes to stage branch were never merged to main e.g a PR was merged to stage then closed without merging to main.
  • Conflicts were merged differently in stage than in main

In order to reset stage from your local environment follow these steps:

  1. Run git push -d origin stage
  2. Run git branch -D stage (This may fail if you don’t have a local ‘stage’ branch)
  3. Run git checkout main
  4. Run git pull origin main
  5. Run git checkout -b stage
  6. Run git push origin stage
  7. You will then need to merge into stage each PR's currently labelled "on stage" by running git merge origin/branch-name
  8. Once you’ve merged all the required branches then run git push origin stage